i have been thinking a lot about Joshua 2 this week...
which has led me to think a lot about the incredible God we serve.
why is He so great? well, i'll tell you:
if you don't remember Joshua 2, the story is this:
God chose to do an amazing work through a woman named Rahab.
why is that a big deal?
well, she was a prostitute.
He chose to work through her and she, no doubt,
experienced the Lord's grace and mercy in a profound way.
fast-forward a few years.
Rahab has a son named Boaz. if any of you have read the book
of Ruth, Boaz plays a pretty huge role. some have said that he is
the greatest example of grace and mercy in the old testament and
is the biggest precursor of the grace and mercy that would come in
the form of Jesus, all those years later.
so, where did Boaz learn to be this merciful?
probably from his mom.
you know, the prostitute.
not only that...but, remember David? the shepherd boy who killed
the giant and became a great king after God's own heart? well, he
is a descendent of Rahab and Boaz.
oh, and guess who else descended from Rahab?
yup. Jesus Christ, Himself.
pretty incredible lineage.
so, why is my God so amazing?
my God is amazing because He would rather change the world through a humble prostitute or a shepherd boy than through haughty religious people.
that is a God who i would follow to the ends of the earth and back...
that is a God who i am overwhelmed to be loved by...
and that is extremely humbling.
i would rather be a prostitute than a pharisee,
if it means that i will experience more of my Jesus.